Tuesday 8 February 2022 from 7.00 – 8.30pm.
If you are a Catholic teacher currently working outside of Catholic education, we’d
love to meet you! Whether you have taught in a Catholic school before or not, we
would like to invite you to find out more about the exciting and immensely rewarding
opportunities in Catholic education within the Diocese of Nottingham, including our
Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts.
To reserve your place please contact Julie Sweeney: julie.sweeney@nottingham-des.org.uk
Teaching in a Catholic school is not just a job, it is a vocation. For us, education is
about far more than academic success, it is about the formation of the whole
Our aim is to communicate something of the joy of teaching in a Catholic school within the Diocese of Nottingham, and to encourage the sense of vocation that this opportunity brings. Each of our Catholic schools is part of the community of the Church, centred around the person of the Risen Christ, and there is something different about teaching in Catholic schools. We know this when we perceive it in our schools, but it’s difficult to put into words. We hope to capture and transmit a little of the excitement that comes from living our faith in this vibrant context. There will also be more specific information regarding the requirements for those wishing to apply for reserved posts.
This occasion is designed to provide information about how best to prepare for a
role in a Catholic School and to answer any questions you may have. There will also
be an opportunity to register for a mentoring programme for those senior leaders
who wish to be accompanied and supported on their journey into Catholic education.